She’s Ready!
She’s Ready!
A smart, personal and inspiring travel guide you and all women didn’t know you needed. But you do.
She’s Ready is the manifesto for women who aspire to explore the world and find themselves at the end of their journey. The inspiring stories and compelling guide will show you how to drop the fear-inducing, big picture obsession over the infamous question; Who am I? to highlight the positive impact that travel can have on women seeking to align who she is with their life’s purpose.
With step-by-step advice, thought-inspiring exercises, and real-life stories from Rashell and other motivational and successful women, this book is a fun and energizing action plan for finding yourself through travel.
Rashell Evans-Paling is the founder and CEO of Statement Junky, a Non-profit Organization dedicated to helping young women obtain an essential key to access the world – her first passport. Rashell lives in Westchester, New York.
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